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what is a discord moderator


201: Permissions on Discord By adhering to these principles while moderating your server, it will help create a positive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable talking without fear of being reprimanded unjustly. Maintaining your responsibilities as a Discord moderator is essential for keeping the server safe and healthy. Tests whether the candidate has what it takes to be an effective moderator in any environment. The most common forms of spam are also very typical of raids, those being Fast Messages and Repeated Text. Google Suite includes tools such as Docs, Sheets, and Forms that can be used to create and share documents, spreadsheets, and forms for moderation and community management. Making sure that you present yourself professionally when introducing yourself is key in setting yourself up for success during this process. There are a few methods available to you in order for you to protect your community from this behavior. discord moderators Questions focus on understanding server roles and permissions. Web1. By taking steps such as these, one can easily make themselves known among their peers as someone who takes pride in maintaining order on their servers - something every good Discord needs! Both tools are essential for a server to function properly and make for a powerful combination. Hence, you need to study the Discord Moderator Academy before you take the exam. Introduction. DMA is a collection of resources written by moderators of some of Discords most prominent communities. That means that you should act maturely and set a good example for the community. *Unconfigurable, triggers raid prevention based on user joins & damage prevention based on humanly impossible user activity. You can use Discord's built-in Raid Protection, reporting, and moderation tools or go further by requiring higher levels of verification and reducing basic permissions for new members. Role of Administrators and Moderators on Discord WebAs a moderator, you spend your free time helping the server, so let your fellow moderators know you appreciate that they chose this as their hobby. However, there is no time limit for the exam, so you can take your time to complete it. Read up on some tutorials and guides online regarding different discord functions and bots. When looking to become a discord moderator, making yourself an active member of the community is key. That said, being a member of the Discord Moderator Discord gets you one step closer to getting the badge. Check out our current curriculum of articles below: Learn what it takes to create a dream team to run your community. WebAs a moderator, you spend your free time helping the server, so let your fellow moderators know you appreciate that they chose this as their hobby. *Gaius can apply same blacklist/whitelist to names as messages or only filter based on items in the blacklist tagged %name**YAGPDB can use configured word-list filters OR a regex filter. This reason is recorded in the audit log. Will I be available regularly enough to handle issues within the community? Evaluates knowledge and understanding of the basic rules, guidelines, and features that make up a successful moderation team on Discord. Discord Moderator Youll need to be evaluated based on your skills first. The @everyone role should have no permissions, the Verified role should have the permissions you would normally give to @everyone. In the community, youll be given opportunities to share feedback with the Discord team. These servers should be added to an invite whitelist to prevent their deletion.Anti-RaidRaids, as defined earlier in this article, are mass-joins of users (often selfbots) with the intent of damaging your server. Once youve studied the Discord Moderator Academy, you can take the Discord Moderator Academy Exam. Discord Moderator More Community Moderator Wachsman Remote in Miami, FL Estimated $62K - $78.5K a year Introduction. bbnoflus#8427; Moderators ; Discord ID: 592798532772298757; How do i contact? When it comes to getting started as a Discord moderator, there are several steps you can take. The Discord Moderator Academy was carefully constructed by many moderators in collaboration with Discord. Moderator Youll also see that the percent of people that visit more than 3 channels increases as they explore the server and follow verification instructions, and that percent talked may increase if people need to type a verification command.However, in exchange you can expect to see server leaves increase. Do you want to become a Discord Moderator? If accepted, they will usually provide details on what roles they expect moderators to take up and any other rules administrators want them to abide by. Even if youve passed the Discord Moderator Academy Exam, youre not guaranteed to get it. Showing off your skills and knowledge while still maintaining respectfulness towards everyone around demonstrates maturity and dedication - two traits necessary for any successful discord moderator! Discord Moderator Articles start with the basics and ramp up to cover some of the most advanced topics that a moderator might face. It is your job as a moderator to communicate with those involved to determine if a user is truly in danger. It's also helpful to have some sort of badge or symbol on your profile that indicates that you're applying for the job! Once you are officially part of the team, following best practices will ensure that your moderation efforts are effective. To that end, positive specific feedback is one of the best ways to let someone know that they did a good job and what exactly it was that they did well. Reading through existing threads can give you a better idea of what kind of conversations take place on the server so that you have an understanding of appropriate behavior while participating in these discussions. Furthermore, this will complicate the interpretation of your welcome screen metrics, as the welcome screen will need to be used to help people primarily follow the verification process as opposed to visiting many channels in your server. They have broad administrative control, and can bring in moderators to manage community members. Audit Log: Requires the View Audit Log permissions. If you want to use the remove unverified role method, you will need a bot that can automatically assign a role to a user when they join. In the community, youll be given opportunities to share feedback with the Discord team. If you pass the exam, Discord will send you an invitation to join the Discord Moderator Community. Much more flexible as they can do more complex actions similar to what a regular user can do. Members remain on your server after joining, decreasing server leaves over time from new members, Members are more likely to want to engage with your server prior to joining, and will be more likely to talk or visit multiple channels. Do not evade user blocks or server bans. WebDiscord Moderator looking for work! Once you receive the invitation to become a Discord moderator, it's time to accept the challenge and get started. It is important to recognize, however, when a threat may not be truly dangerous. Hi! Who owns or manages the chat? Generally, this is done by typing a bot command in a channel, typing a bot command in a DM, or clicking on a reaction. Having proof of your expertise gives other users assurance that their chats will remain safe under your watchful eye. When set, it allows users to only send one message and create one thread within your designated time interval. No authentication that data sent to webhook is from a trusted source. WebDiscord is a place where anyone can build and manage a community dedicated to the things they love, whether that is a favorite game, creating amazing art, or simply hanging out with friends and making new ones. It is your job as a moderator to communicate with those involved to determine if a user is truly in danger. Moderators must create an environment of mutual respect so that everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of being judged or attacked. You can also take the exam by clicking on this link: WebDiscord is a place where anyone can build and manage a community dedicated to the things they love, whether that is a favorite game, creating amazing art, or simply hanging out with friends and making new ones. A Banned words filter can catch links and invites provided http:// and https:// are added to the word blacklist (for all links) or specific full site URLs to block individual websites. Share your feeling. It can be difficult to find the right fit for you as there are countless servers available. Some bots even provide an embed visualizer within their dashboards. Do I understand the terms and conditions? Discord The best moderators typically have experience participating in your community, and are enthusiastic and seasoned superfans! The best way to do this is by actively participating in conversations with other members and showing them your interest in being part of the community. Username filtering is less important than other forms of auto moderation, when choosing which bot(s) to use for your auto moderation needs, this should typically be considered last, since users with unsavory usernames can just be nicknamed in order to hide their actual username. Removing invite links from less relevant traffic sources will decrease server growth. Discord mods should strive to create an environment where all members feel welcome, respected, and safe while still adhering to established guidelines. In the community, youll be given opportunities to share feedback with the Discord team. While the involvement of bots may be minimal, writing interview questions and determining evaluation criteria could be complex, Requires only a single #welcome type channel with instructions to click the reaction, Can require either only a single channel or two channels depending on preference, Does not require any channels, unless you want a backup verification method for users that have DMs disabled. Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Some bots may also allow by-server white/blacklisting allowing you to control which servers are ok to share invites to, and which arent. DMA is a collection of resources written by moderators of some of Discords most prominent communities. discord moderators In order to become a successful moderator, it is essential to understand the role of a Discord Moderator. The list of multi-faceted responsibilities that a good Discord moderator takes on, including running events and making sure the community runs smoothly, can be endless, and sometimes, thankless. For example, if you add the slur nig to your filter and someone mentions the country Nigeria they could get in trouble for using an otherwise acceptable word.Filter immunity may also be important to your server, as there may be individuals who need to discuss the use of banned words, namely members of a moderation team. The Discord Moderation Discord is a community of moderators that share their knowledge and support one another. You should also make sure to read up on any policies and guidelines for moderators so that you know exactly how you are expected to act within your designated position. Color of your embeds border, usually in hexadecimal or decimal. As an experienced moderator, I have seen firsthand how important it is for moderators to uphold the highest standards of safety and moderation. Determining if you are qualified for the role of discord moderator is a key step in becoming one. Advanced content for deep dives into moderation that address overarching philosophy and strategy. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the platform and its features, as well as join the official Discord Moderator Academy. Just an endpoint to send data to, no actual hosting is required. With this information in mind, you're now ready to go forth and explore different options until you find the right match! Instead, actively participate in conversations and share your moderation experience(s). Verification ActionsOnce you decide whether you want to add or remove a role, you need to decide how you want that action to take place. Gaining experience interacting with other users on the platform before attempting any moderating duties to build familiarity with common phrases used on Discord and provide insight into typical user behavior. Will not automatically trigger on the free version of the bot. *Unless you are using the channel description for verification instructions rather than an automatic greeter message. *Unconfigurable filters, these will catch all instances of the trigger, regardless of whether theyre spammed or a single instance**Gaius also offers an additional NSFW filter as well as standard image spam filtering***YAGPDB offers link verification via google, anything flagged as unsafe can be removed****Giselle combines Fast Messages and Repeated Text into one filter. Are there any rules already established? The list of multi-faceted responsibilities that a good Discord moderator takes on, including running events and making sure the community runs smoothly, can be endless, and sometimes, thankless. Introduction. It is important to recognize, however, when a threat may not be truly dangerous. It is important to remember that being an effective moderator involves more than just handing out warnings or bans when someone breaks the rules. Moderators are unlikely to notice user action. For example, a serious channel dedicated to discussion of real world issues may require discussions about slurs or other demeaning language, in this exception channel based Immunity is integral to allowing those conversations.Link filtering is important to servers where sharing links in general chats isnt allowed, or where there are specific channels for sharing such things. The multiple-choice section contains 20 questions. If conflicts arise between individuals, make sure they get resolved as quickly as possible by mediating any disagreements politely but firmly. Moderators are a key part of making communities great and a place where people want to gather. The common forms are listed in the table above. How to Get the Discord About Me Feature. be a moderator on Discord As such, Fast Messages filters should prevent offenders from sending messages; this can be done via a mute, kick or ban. This means staying active in chat rooms and responding quickly to questions or issues that arise. Think about how these skills or past experiences will benefit your work as a discord moderator and include them in your application. Introducing yourself to the server community is a crucial step in becoming a discord moderator. If you are looking to become a Discord moderator, one of the first steps is finding an appropriate Discord server that meets your criteria. *Defaults to banning ALL links**YAGPDB offers link verification via google, anything flagged as unsafe can be removed***Setting a catch-all filter with carl will prevent link-specific spam detection. bbnoflus#8427; Moderators ; Discord ID: 592798532772298757; How do i contact? Youll also be given opportunities to communicate with the Trust & Safety Team as well as Engineers on Discord. Moreover, staying informed by joining discussion channels or reading articles related to moderation will assist in further expanding your knowledge base and improving upon existing skillsets currently possessed. With this certificate in hand, you can then apply for positions at various servers or even start your own moderating team. The first part of the curriculum is the Basics. In this respect, some anti-spam filters can act simultaneously as Fast Messages and Repeated Text filters.Sometimes, spam may happen too quickly for a bot to catch up. These systems typically look for users that were created recently or have no profile picture, among other triggers depending on how elaborate the system is.Raid prevention stops a raid from happening, either by Raid detection or Raid-user detection. Moderators and Admins then choose a time limit for the time out and provides a reason for the time out. In this article, Ill share some tips on how to become a successful Discord Moderator. Knowing who's running things allows moderators to get support from them whenever needed. This could be 10 links in one message, or 1 link in 10 messages. The only way to become an official part of the Discord team is to be invited to join by someone on the team. With these tips in mind, being a Discord moderator can be both rewarding and enjoyable! What type of content does this Discord server focus on? You should also familiarize yourself with any rules or guidelines set by the server moderators as this indicates that you respect the established order within the community. Then, complete the rest of the form and click on Next. Audit Log: Requires the View Audit Log permissions. Heres how to get a Discord moderator badge: To begin with, you need to read the articles on the Discord Moderator Academy. To help you with these tasks, consider taking advantage of resources like the Moderator Academywhere moderators can learn about different tools available on Discord and improve their moderation techniques through helpful tutorials. By doing this, you will demonstrate your commitment and willingness to learn more about becoming an effective moderator which gives you an edge over other applicants when applying for those coveted positions. A large-sized image located below the Description element. Each Discord server should have written rules for behavior to alleviate confusion or misunderstanding about the guidelines for that particular community. Anti-Spam is integral to running a large private server, or a public server. Lim How Wei is the founder of, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. Discord Becoming a Discord moderator requires that you learn the rules and guidelines for moderation. WebThe responsibilities of a moderator might vary, but their overall role is to ensure that their Discord server is a safe, healthy environment for everyone. This feature is usually chained with Raid Prevention or Damage Prevention to prevent the detected raid from being effective, wherein raiding users will typically spam channels with unsavoury messages.Raid-user detection is a system designed to detect users who are likely to be participating in a raid independently of the quantity of frequency of new user joins. From here, you can set the verification level of the server and configure the explicit media content filter. Discord Moderator Scroll down the page until you reach the curriculum. Moderators are at the forefront of creating spaces where people feel safe and can find belonging. bbnoflus Is looking for a discord Moderators job! discord moderators This is because youre required to take an exam based on the articles on the Discord Moderator Academy later on. From here, you can set the verification level of the server and configure the explicit media content filter. There are a few different ways a username can be abusive and different bots offer different filters to prevent this. In order to measure the efficacy of your verification system, you may need to use a custom solution to measure the proportion of people that pass or fail verification. To be qualified for the Discord moderator badge, you need to be an active member in the community for at least 3 months.

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